
5 SUPERFOODS To Increase White Blood Cells Count & Boost Immunity

5 SUPERFOODS To Increase White Blood Cells Count & Boost Immunity

Ever wondered what saves you from fatal diseases, pathogen attacks, and allergies? Well, it’s your immune system. From fighting disease-causing germs to acting fast against cancer cells, the immune system ensures that your body is a healthy abode for your organs. Catching a cold often or being more prone to infections can be exhausting. It not only hampers your quality of life but can seriously affect your overall health. If infections refuse to leave your side and keep returning every now and then, it’s time to act and boost your immunity. What are some ways to boost your immune system?…
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12 Super Healthy Breakfast Foods You Should Eat Every Day

12 Super Healthy Breakfast Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Getting out of bed and grabbing a quick breakfast on the way out the door is a struggle for many of us on some (OK, most) mornings. Attempting to make a gourmet meal every morning is unrealistic. But that's no reason to accept a sugar high that'll crash in half an hour, leaving you feeling down and hungry. We're about to blow your mind with an assortment of simple, prep-ahead breakfast muffins, vegan breakfast ideas, and healthy smoothies that you can create in a matter of minutes. Let's dive in with these 12 amazing recipes. Avocado And Egg Toast Sometimes,…
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14 Fruits That Can Double As Medicine

14 Fruits That Can Double As Medicine

Eating fruit everyday is a healthy habit. It keeps you refreshed and energized. But did you know that some of them have medicinal properties as well? Hey there viewers and welcome back to Planet Health!  Adding fruit to your regular diet is a great way of building immunity and warding off disease. Fruit has the capacity to fight heart disease, inflammation and even possibly some cancers. Being nutrient dense and low in calories, they are powerhouses of nutrition. You can pair them with breakfast meals or eat them as a healthy snack.  Which ones offer the most medicinal properties? Strawberries?…
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12 Best Post-Running Stretches

12 Best Post-Running Stretches

We get it, stretching is not exactly on the top of your mind after you’ve had a long run. You probably want to take a shower or have a snack. However tempted you might feel to skip your post run stretches, it’s important you do them. It can, in fact, prevent injury and improve your running. Today we’ll be talking about the best post-running stretches. How do you stretch your quads while standing? Which stretch relaxes both your arms and abs at the same time? How do you do lunges with a stretching modification? We’ll talk all about this AND…
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9 Simple Exercises to Improve Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain

9 Simple Exercises to Improve Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain

Are you sure you sit and stand in the correct posture? You might think posture is not all that important. But the reality is poor posture can give you back and neck pain, headaches, and poor balance. You can even get heartburn and breathing difficulties. Today we’re going to discuss simple exercises that help improve your posture and reduce back pain. How do you do quadruped (quad-ruh-ped) thoracic (thur-ass-ick) rotations? What’s an open shoulder exercise? We’ll be discussing all of these AND more... Quadruped Thoracic Rotations If you spend a lot of time at a desk, you’re probably not sitting…
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7 Best Battle Rope Exercises And Their Health Benefits

7 Best Battle Rope Exercises And Their Health Benefits

Ropes are nothing new. Neither are battles. So it’s sort of surprising that one of the latest trends in fitness is an old-school piece of gear. We are talking about Battle ropes and battle rope exercises.  After years of being confined to martial arts gyms and football training rooms, weighted battle ropes are finally entering the mainstream. And that means it’s time to add them to your fitness routine. Today we will tell you the best battle rope exercises and the benefits of doing it regularly. From exercises like inside circle, jumping power slams, battle ropes fly whip to benefits…
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16 Cardio Exercises You Can Do If You Hate Running

16 Cardio Exercises You Can Do If You Hate Running

We get it. Not everyone loves to run. But everyone wants to be skinny. Sure, running is a great workout to have as a part of your cardio routine, but it’s not the only way. Running is not just a challenging cardiovascular workout, it can also feel tough on joints and muscles.  And any exercise regimen that makes your body feel worse is probably not worth your time and energy. But you can’t write off Cardio from your workout routine completely as it’s very important for keeping you healthy. Luckily there are many good alternatives to running that can suffice…
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10 Hidden Benefits Of Night Running Every Day

10 Hidden Benefits Of Night Running Every Day

Have you been getting the right amount of exercise? Some people go to the gym once a day. The problem is a lot of them aren’t getting enough cardio. Going outside for a run on a beautiful day has so many great benefits for your health, you can also go at night. In fact, night running might be better. A cool run under the stars is something more and more professionals are recommending. Let’s talk about that today. Can it increase your strength? How about helping you sleep? Wait a second, can running help you get better results? We’re talking…
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8 Fermented Foods for Better Digestive Health and Immunity

8 Fermented Foods for Better Digestive Health and Immunity

Are you a fermented food lover? This might be something you don’t know about. Heck, I didn’t know about it until recently. Fermented products are foods and beverages that have undergone microbial growth. Still not following? These products go through a process where yeast and bacteria break down their food components and turn them into different foods. Examples of this include milk, yogurt, beer, wine and sourdough bread. There are also several that boost your health. Let’s talk about 8 Fermented Foods That Improve Your Digestion. From sauerkraut and tempeh, to things you haven’t heard of like miso and natto.…
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14 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium

14 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium

There are numerous symptoms that we mistakenly believe have nothing to do with magnesium, but they do! Magnesium is linked to muscle cramps, difficulty sleeping, irritability, heart palpitations, constipation, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, PMS, and irritable bowel syndrome. Phew.  The body's fourth most prevalent mineral takes part in 700 chemical processes. Your body can literally stop functioning if you don't get enough of it. You can blame a magnesium deficiency if you constantly feel agitated or twitchy.  But these are not all the tell-a-tale signs. Let's find out the warning signs that suggest you require additional…
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